This case involved competing Guardianship petitions of a 2 ½ year old boy brought by the maternal and paternal grandmothers. It was alleged by our client, the maternal grandmother, that the child’s parents were unfit because of drug use and neglect and that the paternal side of the family was unfit because of drug and alcohol issues and their inability to supervise the child’s Father. The Paternal grandmother accused the maternal grandmother of abuse of prescriptive medication, not having a significant bond with the child, an unhealthy obsession with the child, being deceitful with investigators including the Department of Social Services and the appointed Gurdian Ad-Litem. It was also alleged that our client had an inability to care for the child because she herself had three grown drug addicts for children. The cases were consolidated and tried over the course of three days with numerous witnesses and exhibits being produced by both sides. Our client received PERMANENT GUARDIANSHIP of the child.